Christian Nationalism

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Perry, S. L., Riccardi‐Swartz, S., Davis, J. T., & Grubbs, J. B. (2023). The Religious Right and Russia: Christian Nationalism and Americans’ Views on Russia and Vladimir Putin Before and After the Ukrainian Invasion. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Polyakova, A. (2014). Strange bedfellows: Putin and Europe’s far right. World Affs., 177, 36.

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Whitehead, Andrew L., and Samuel L. Perry. 2020. Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. Oxford University Press.

Whitehead, Andrew L., Samuel L. Perry, and Joseph O. Baker. 2018. “Make America Christian Again: Christian Nationalism and Voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election.” Sociology of Religion 79(2):147-171.