


2025-01-28: Quivering in States. An inertia unleashed in sinking wells falling in passive tells of patterns in …

2025-01-23: Vessels of swine drowning demons in Legions of voices Now lost rejoices hoisted on befallen masks …

2025-01-19: Nymphs dance sailing on knotted trails beneath loose soil A bright truth caught in two worlds in …

2025-01-19: Dark Mare of Light Light tossed on dark ways or kinship burn in fires crackling a Birch's sting to Heterodox thought …

2025-01-17: cinnamon bends on winds of commerce and purses peppered in roots to seed a Channeling unimpeded …

2025-01-16: Dramatis Personae Finally got around to an election poem #smallpoems Dramatis Personae sashays on branches of …

2024-12-25: …

2024-11-22: Panegryic Passages purging disasters from surging sensory induced fools who let loose abuse and …

2024-11-22: as the goose quill spllls and laws take flight we bound sin in skin of Anser atavus in placcid …

2024-11-22: Inconvenient Existence chasing a false brilliance in face of persistent resistance to spews of …

2023-06-02: When first flower blossoms begin to fall, petals caught in a wind, you hear the dog's howl songs for …

2023-06-02: What if my friend Did not charter a Funeral Dirge "Phenomology of Spirit" But shipped a manuscript …

2023-02-02: Week Two in EDU106: Two Easy Hacks for College Shape of a Story Week II In week one we looked at the shape of popular media and myths. I then asked …

2023-01-18: Fellas develop medicinal plates of ceramic pfp enhancements to allow minimal enchantments of …

2023-01-18: Calling #writingcommunity looking for few volunteer poets. Help raise $$ for @U24_gov_ua to get kids …

2022-12-05: Hello friends Just sharing the Day 5 #NAFO pfp we are auctioning off as part of the Advent Calendar …

2022-10-28: East Haddam Chess ub with the kids

2022-10-24: Russia Today Announces New Reality Show "Roses of Reunification An example of political satire. Earlier online we were discussing the role of satire in online …

2022-10-15: regrets of reason form prisons in our minds treason of thought now torn fraught with futures once …

2022-10-02: Hoping to see Judge take the record.

2022-08-18: Think Before you Click Your #phishing training needs to focus on increasing thinking not converting silly KPIs of phishing …

2022-08-16: Ben Werd Gentrification as a Service and Don’t even make the term sheet would be great titles …

2022-08-03: Remix of Internet Archive Book Images is licensed under CC CC0 “Self” …

2022-08-01: The next sticker in the design. A remix of This one a remix of “Invisible” by mondi …

2022-07-28: My Rubric for Measuring Learning in Affinity Spaces Never been a fan of 21st century skills. Beyond the fact we are a fifth of the way through., the …

2022-07-28: What are Affinity Spaces?

2022-07-28: Backstage Post: How I Made My Latest Multimedia Design I finished the next design in my cybersecurity awareness sticker series: I wanted to do a quick …

2022-07-25: New Cybersecurity sticker designs

2022-07-25: Expect the Failure. Celebrate Not Giving Up Failure will happen. I look at the five attempts it took for me to carve a Knight as a minimally …

2022-07-25: He chimed in; confidence saught yet potential fraught hidden behind a tenacious shudder and a …

2022-07-21: Three AI and Me Generated Badges Three quick badge designs Recently Doug Belshaw asked about the badge designing tools available in …

2022-07-21: Multimodal Poetry Ideas Some of my stuff on Poetry and multimodal texts:… …

2022-07-21: Using poetry to teach critical literacy and multimodal poetry: …

2022-07-19: #smallpoems Meaning reveals truth in hyperbolic lies knotted in caustice ties that peel blotted …

2022-07-18: Ablation of Ambrose grows in flows of abyssal thoughts fraught with battles yet fought by those who …

2022-07-17: Sweet nectar spills in sun dripping down tributaries of the Rind trailing in vines of discarded …

2022-07-16: Sailing Cosmic Cliffs #smallpoems A luminosity leaps and seeps through amber trails painted in palletes of hot winds And …

2022-07-15: Seven Ways to Remix Media in the Classroom 1 Digital Essays Have students collect historical artifacts and build a digital essay that remixes …

2022-07-15: Gravity of a Selfie I am working on a new piece in honor of James Web Telescope with the Nebulae photos (totally open to …

2022-07-14: #smallpoems Mediums melted media with only minor manipulations of Meaning of manipulations Minor …

2022-07-14: Please Turn on MFA #smallpoems All I can say turn on #MFA stop the bad actors try multi factor authentication. Apply a …

2022-04-02: Feet locked Driven by flames Of eternal delight There Just there Warmth radiates in Spring before …

2022-04-02: Feet locked Driven by flames Of eternal delight There Just there Warmth radiates in Spring before …

2022-04-02: #smallpoems Glean of new Dreams bounce Atop aluminum Chambers of past Tubs washing Memories in …

2022-03-28: I just finished the midpoint class of Ukulele Underground 102 We had to write a song in Key of F. I …

2022-03-28: Checked in to Ukulele Underground 102 Lesson 11: Mid-Way Review Putting it all together to write a …

2022-03-27: #tdc3727 #ds106 Rats in the Index

2022-03-27: #smallpoems #clmooc Before a long hand could cross a face Heaven's Great General fell. Plowed under …

2022-03-27: #silentsunday

2022-03-25: scavengers among the last species to feed on carrion. life histories poorly known motionless …

2022-03-20: Flyers without Giroux. Feels weird The 2010 Stanley Cup run will be history. Not Recchi and Lindros …

2022-03-19: #smallpoems Stuck in my inertial frame Curving under tidal forces of lookback time pieces losing …

2022-03-17: A favorite rendition sticking closer to the heart with world events. Saints or …

2022-03-17: With a fiddy-I-O and a POW and a do and a fiddy I O I A I hope your Saints stand with you today

2022-03-16: I bought cheap furniture a decade ago. Realize drawers stay fastened On stolen history A rock my kid …

2022-03-14: Stop Fetishizing Failure Failure isn’t cool. I don’t want to move fast and break things (as someone with two …

2022-03-10: MC5 hitting the road!!!…

2022-03-09: One of the great ironies of the Covid era: Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of …

2022-03-08: Cognitive Bias Reference List An older list of research on cognitive bias. Most sources before “fake news,” and …

2022-03-06: Let’s Go WolfPack

2022-03-06: I can’t tell the difference between Punk Folk and early County Western. Americana the way it …

2022-03-03: Riptide destroys duck!!!

2022-03-03: #smallpoems #clmooc Peace (seeds and roots)? (which is quite generous because together, they take up …

2022-03-01: Tax credit for Cybersecurity. Tax credit for Cybersecurity. Please say it tonight Mr. President.

2022-03-01: Make it in America is Build a Better America but Open Borders and Markets path to freedom and …

2022-03-01: “He will never weaken the resolve of the free world”

2022-03-01: “He thought he could divide us, but Putin is wrong”

2022-03-01: So petty for elected officials to skip a State of Union address because of a Covid-19 requirement. …

2022-02-26: Dogtrax turn the flute into the pastor's scepter to sharpen a soldiers bayonet and point hope to …

2022-02-26: Accretion of accumulation builds inertia frozen atoning in a quasar spinning the unseen a No point …

2022-02-23: Trying out the Android app.

2022-02-21: Got to here in goal to effort to try and own my data…

2022-02-21: Any one a Garmin fan? Dont have skillset but wondering if micropub watch app would be possible, The …

2022-02-20: blade rests on cut wood perched on unfinished futures nest on shavings #sundayhaiku #smallpoems …

2022-02-20: Fables of Fröbel's foils unfold in games of the God's hatching butterflies fettering in margins of …

2022-02-19: I am excited to RSVP to yes to Personal Libraries IndieWeb Popup Event Going to talk about building …

2022-02-19: Response poem from Terry souls unfold in intramolecular self-assembly exploding in flight a fight …

2022-01-07: Whirlwind songs constantly begin on a face of tomorrow, yet your reflection of meaning awakens a …

2022-01-07: Feats of father who dips his beats in sinks of an Irish Caller hides A false Yeats whose A-B-A-B …

2022-01-07: I can start to hold an instrument again. Saturday will mark 21 days since the ribs broke. Still pain …

2022-01-02: 14 days after cracked ribs and getting some sense of normality. Don’t need surgery and cleared …

2021-11-16: Added a loop station to the home office and started to fool around. My first try ever …

2021-11-12: When trouble, stilted, withered on hilltops dolloped in pockets of mosses whose losses of accosted …

2021-11-02: Paradox of technology:…

2021-11-02: You can’t search giphy for “none”

2021-10-31: Aesthetics and Architects of Aura, all Bright lightning and thunder man, Kooey Komrades shining …

2021-10-31: Happy Halloween from the McVerry’s

2021-10-30: Playing with the pedals a bit more in the Knife of the Gourd …

2021-10-30: Waning fire of smoldering ashes darkening skies in dances falling silent as I lose myself in your …

2021-10-30: Spending a rainy Saturday morning messing with some reverb pedals to find a few settings that tickle …

2021-10-30: A moan escapes as I bend down, arm propped on a cooling stove to wipe up one more spill after one …

2021-10-24: The deeper we penetrate the mystery of sound, the more are able to trace the links that connect all …

2021-10-22: Cool writing prompt. Write a future where humans return to earth inhabited by these creatures: …

2021-10-21: Starting the next lesson on harmonies… as I try to learn …

2021-10-21: Trying to make some spooky Halloween sounds:

2021-10-05: In the duplicity that exists in me lives an epiphany kissing me to deny a duality who must do …

2021-09-11: text of nearly every day rips hidden webs tucked away. Dusks of forgotten days gossamermore of …

2021-09-06: We are but a piece of glass born brittle in our sun while we make our galaxy for stars not yet born …

2021-09-04: Rivers who open on the mouith of me send sounds drawn on lakes seaping in, in a source.... Waves …

2021-09-03: I found our fleeting poem bleeding relevance in tenses of seeping foam as truth rinses in keeping …

2021-09-03: I had a poem in my pocket but now I lost it and small meanings dangle in torn pockets whose cotton …

2021-08-29: A poet makes a mark down town in spaces of pre history who escape the plain text of reality …

2021-08-29: On broken lips wo float on sunken ships a detritis arises pushing stern pressures on the bows of …

2021-08-28: We pray with pencils. Catherderals of needles weaving feeble meanings in paragees of realities …

2021-08-25: #smallpoems Starving for oxygen waiting on rain rippling on rhytmns lost in my name in sounds …

2021-05-21: Better than coffee

2021-04-27: job alert: front end designer: accessibility remediations based on WCAG/ 1099 3 month of FTE hours, …

2021-04-14: I swear if he didn’t have a bucket o' chick from the Col on the head be known as one of the …

2021-04-14: La morte è niente. Solo solamente passato dall’altra: è come fossi nascosto nella stanza …

2021-04-02: Each of us is chosen There’s a mission just for you Just look inside You’ll be surprised …

2021-03-23: A long but rewarding East Haddam Litlle League Board of Directors meeting. Getting excited for the …

2021-03-23: I am hanging at @UConnTechComm as a start up who has gotten @uconn grants now my company has …

2021-03-22: Monday Design Studio: hack section #edu106 class. We just kicked off the learn something module. …

2021-03-22: Celebrating Ma Rainey Today for #WomensHistoryMonth we travel back to the Harlem Reniassance. Let’s celebrate to one …

2021-03-21: Balance is equinox Cool winds Shadows into light Sun stops time Time stops sun Light into shadows …

2021-03-21: Screenshot of just some of the mozfest Discord channels. You will see groups of games, tech, art, …

2021-03-21: A screenshot reminder on how to improve your search results in the #education space: …

2021-03-20: Spent the first day of spring breaking out the knives and finally getting back to the chess set.

2021-01-18: “Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the …

2021-01-08: “Life is expressed in a threefold way: through thoughts, desires, and actions. Rightly guide all …

2021-01-08: Fingers move through scales see the sounds without your touch Life’s fluid music

2020-12-18: My kids love the Nickelodeon show “All That" really hope one of them starts a podcast called …

2020-12-17: Trying to learn variable fonts. Getting closer. My goal is to get to a point of having no media …

2020-12-17: In a professional development training we were asked to diagram social media. This is my rendition. …

2020-12-13: Love is the vital core of the soul, and of all you see, only love is infinite. -Rumi

2020-12-12: There are many winds full of anger, and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around, but the solid …

2020-12-11: Breath diminishes as spirit flows stronger, a falcon released to the wild. -Rumi

2020-12-09: Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river -Rumi

2020-12-07: As the ocean waves of the king take un into the shore, we give ourselves to the motion. At the …

2020-12-05: Remember there is only one reason to do anything: a meeting with the Friend is the only real …

2020-12-04: When you are with everyone but me, your’re with no one. When you are with no one but me, …

2020-12-03: A candle is made to become entirely flame. In that annihilating moment it has no shadow. -Rumi quote

2020-12-02: Tears are worth more than money Tears are blood distilled into water Pay attention to those who want …

2020-12-01: Deliberation is born of joy, like a bird from an egg Birds don’t resemble eggs! Think how …

2020-11-30: Look for help and guidance in whatever craft you’re learning. Look for a generous teacher, one …


2020-11-29: Currently Reading: The Essential Rumi Stamped From the Beginning Roll Deep

2020-11-27: Drowning in a Collection of Rumi and looking to my ear I know Now I have never written Poetry Empty …

2020-11-26: Getting close. 10 degrees then some time to rest.

2020-11-26: One last butter glaze and the bird is going in.

2020-11-26: To the team or person behind Gluon I really dig the UX. Congrats. The swipe left and the action …

2020-11-26: Now working on my A major and G major scales. Interesting to have the flats. Gonna play there some …

2020-11-26: Just saw the Lenape Land Acknowledgement. Moving. I would like to acknowledge the land where we will …

2020-11-26: Table set for #Thanksgiving. Turkey been brining for three days. About to hit the oven. To everyone …

2020-11-26: I figured out my workflow having two different accounts and not wanting to sign and check …

2020-11-26: Discovered barre chords. Wow where you been since March? Sounds so much richer. I can move chords up …

2020-11-26: Happy Thanksgiving from the Planet Earth Rock & Roll Orchestra

2020-11-23: Announcing Major Support for Our #tech4teens programs #IndieWeb Adding these #IndieWeb related grants to the Vita adds a bit of shine to a rather dirty 2020. …

2020-11-16: A Hungarian friend asked why poems follow no pattern. And everything reads like its from Saturn This …

2020-11-16: I just published todays poembox microcast, my personal collection of bad poems best listened to with …

2020-11-15: I just finished my first project at #IndieWeb Camp 2020 East See the Pen Contrast Variable font by …

2020-11-15: Hope floats above those devote a smoke that slips through fingers when doubts linger to those who …

2020-11-14: David Dylan Thomas about to give the keynote at #IndieWeb Camp on Designing for Cognitive …

2020-11-14: Not sure what I will build for #IndieWebCamp maybe finally rebuild a jukebox and get all my music …

2020-11-14: Getting excited for #IndieWeb 2020 East this weekend. Gonna be talking poetry and personal websites: …

2020-11-13: So many remote meetings today. Many back to back. I might leave 15 minutes in between each and walk …

2020-11-13: shared governance: (noun) a method to inhibit all innovation in Higher Education by faculty members …

2020-11-13: Hey #writingcommunity I just published a new version of #poembox my #poetry microcast (took a few …

2020-11-13: Joseph Harrison I think the point is why? I like AJ’s stance that companies need to be more …

2020-11-13: I enjoy #poetry on the web aalways full of special characters

2020-11-13: I just published a poem to #audiobox my boombox of bad poetry:

2020-11-13: I just RSVPd yes to IndieWeb 2020 East hoping to talk to-do list and #IndieWeb Poetry

2020-11-08: Constant hum suburban metronome tone of tones no semblance of serenity wind wipping leaves as the …

2020-11-06: As simple sounds rebound stolen silences soround So He seeks Solace found in timeless clocks unwound …

2020-03-16: How do people do reply posts outsisde of Like if I want to reply to someone opn tumblr …

2020-02-21: Thank you @macgenie for steering the ship into safe harbor. You should request a poem for your self …


2020-02-02: Know folks having fun flicking away photos if words and verse more your fancy a few friends and I …

2020-01-04: If any 🏈 fans want in on a fantasy playoff here is the link:… $25 …

2019-12-27: Welcome @tw2113

2019-11-25: turned off cross posting for Twitter chats, I hope this works.

2019-11-18: #smallpoems and your whispers seap down traveling not to ears, planted firmly but to gentle crevices …

2019-11-18: Okay everyone I think I have my feeds and POSSE stuff figured out. I am hoping no replies that …

2019-11-17: Untitled Poem written by @jgmac1106 and @dogtrax as part of Microblogvember Skin plastered against tattered holes of a torn blanket. Rough threads of unwoven time scratching …

2019-11-17: the broken glances and incessant sounds of Maelzel’s stolen curse no longer provide shelter Order …

2019-11-16: I am hopoing I fixed my POSSE feeds so replies o longer show up here, on Tumblr, or Mastodon.

2019-11-14: okay remembered to turn off cross posting during twitter chats

2019-11-11: Just realized half the time I am replying to people’s November one word challenge psots I am …

2019-11-09: I need a mute my feed button…something where I can pause cross-posting without having to …

2019-11-03: fancy the ancy in fields of pansies Dancing Nancy’s twirling smiles whilring for miles I can …

2019-11-03: I missed the mark on yestersday’s #mbnov…what was the word yestersay

2019-11-01: Disabled my crosspost to Twitter as I try to figure out how to add the microsub endpoint in Known.

2019-11-01: Hoping I am Tweeting from my @microdotblog account. Now that they have added Domain registration …

2019-11-01: Just found the categories feature. Kind of excited to give that a whirl. Going to be setting up our …

2019-11-01: morning all

2019-11-01: Do poems exploit key a tired metaphor As tropes view humanity locked behind a door? answers we …

2019-11-01: Do poems exploit key as tired metaphor As tropes view humanity locked behind a door? answers we …

2019-10-18: sounds of self and symbols of silence We project ourselves on to the world and then consume the ways the world projects identities back …

2019-10-18: What Does Design Say About Us? As I am testing the different default themes have you thought about the choices you make in theming? …

2019-10-18: how do we make meaning?

2019-10-18: trying a note in Marfa to check the author h-card

2019-10-18: Why I love Micro.Blog Part Duex (sorry folks doing some theme testing, moose out fron should have told you) I added a u-author to …

2019-10-18: Remembering the great times at my brother Perez’s wedding.

2019-10-18: Why I love Micro.Blog I am so excited about the future Manton and the tram have added so many features that …

2019-09-22: Come join us in person or remote for @IndieWebCamp NYC. Hear our featured keynote speaker @arush …

2019-07-31: Sitting at Fox Hopyard while my two youngest are at golf. Beautiful day to get some work done in the …

2019-06-24: Good morning all

2019-06-23: If you are a first time #IndieWeb summit attendee, either in person or remote, and would like help …

2019-06-20: Hey everyone! Getting excited for the #IndieWeb summit. Who am I going to see? Meet? You coming? …

2019-06-12: Alright back on with full membership and with the rank and priveledge that bestows. May …

2019-02-27: Hey community @eddie and I hoping everyone who is around may stop by #IndieWebCamp Online …

2018-12-20: Hey everyone we remixed the badge from dhh and if your website receives mentions, and you meet badge …

2018-12-14: What’s your Splatfest team? Someone must be playing. 🎮


2018-11-23: Random idea. What if emojis triggered the correct microformats for different post types so. 🏁📗 …

2018-11-18: My son Ben launched his second podcast series “My Stuffed Life” …

2018-11-14: Wow student in my class live demoing her website has done #nanowrimo since middle school. Estimates …

2018-11-14: Incubator/accelerator system so warped and inefficient. Average age of successful founder over 40. …

2018-11-13: Comparing the data in our models at cub scouts

2018-11-13: Comparing the data in our models at cub scouts

2018-11-13: Comparing the data in our models at cub scouts

2018-11-13: Wondering if I click on conversation on a post from someone I follow on Mastodon that was replying …

2018-11-13: just downloaded the csv list of all the people I follow on Mastodon. Now to go through and use the …

2018-11-12: Recorded another epoisode of the microcast 2toPonder, you not so daily two minute podcast on …

2018-11-11: Glad to have the microblog ActivityPub sorted. Thought I could use is as a go between to my site but …

2018-11-10: So I can syndicate, I dig that.

2018-11-10: Hello all. Hope you are are having a wondeful eveining.

2018-11-09: Anyone know how long this usualluy takes “SSL status: requested. is setting up the …

2018-11-08: Anyone know why my page and my timeline look different. I have many post that do not …

2018-11-08: Okay waiting for DNS to populate, hoping microblog ActivityPub helps me with syndication …

2018-10-31: Known sites, Syndication and webmentons This is very itntersting. A webmention from a Known site, when you syndicate a feed gets posted …

2018-09-13: Okay I changed my feed so now only stuff tagged microblog will syndicate. Its one more thing to add …

2018-09-05: Sitting in a coordinator meeting at work. Just said they are going to do all communication and data …

2018-08-31: Probably the wrong crowd to ask, I might as well go to Boston and ask about the Yankeees, but I am …

2018-08-15: Hey folks brother and sister-in-law Austin, TX school teachers. They sponsor a family and do all …

2018-08-12: What am I doing wrong when trying to @-mention someone here: I used …

2018-08-11: I deleted all my RSS, after fifteen+ years they were too hard to groom. Decided to start fresh. …

2018-08-09: where do I go on to make a page..I see this under account, “Use plain text. To add …

2018-08-09: After hearing me record a microcast my son wanted to make his own: (Zoom In On …

2018-07-30: Summer Time. Summer Grilling

2018-04-15: Making silly security mistakes. Like fogetting to erase the temporary password behind you as you …

2018-04-14: Never mind. Read the Help page. This time the “micro” does mean the “micro” …

2018-04-14: Exploring New Tools Been playing with a ton of #indieweb tools as I am thinking about ways to simplify my digital life. …